Steps To Increase Eyesight For Adult | Reason For Weak Eye.
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Simple ways to Increase Eyesight for adult | reason for Bad Eye. |
This blog I will tell you Simple ways to Increase Eyesight for adult | reason for Bad Eye..
As we know in this modern world most of us use modern technological devices such
as laptops, computers, phones and even now you are also using it , due to which most
of the power of your eye is decreasing day by day. which is very
bad and is a very great disadvantage of it.
Most people don't know about some eye exercises which can keep your eye healthy,
and Powerful . By not doing any eye care they carelessly just decrease the power of their
eye and as well as their eyesight and hence they are forced at last to take Goggles or
a glass or a lens which can make them look poor.
Most of us bank most of the time in your laptops or in your electronic devices which will
decrease the strength of your eyes and even if you do not do any exercise your eye will
go in a negative area which will be very bad for you.
So i will tell you Simple ways to Increase Eyesight for adult | reason for Bad Eye.
Why your Eyesight Becomes Weak :-
1) The first reason why your eyesight becomes weak is lack of nutritious food. Many of
you like fast food like Burger pizza Chaumin pasta extra which is not good for your eyes
and even you are not eating nutritious food which is making your eyes more poor and
hence your eyesight becomes weak.
2)The second reason is your computer smartphone or any electronic Gadgets . Many
of you spend half of the day sitting beside computers, mobiles or smartphones due to
which the harmful rays which come from your desktop or your mobile get reflected in your
eyes and hence your eyesight gets poor and weakend.
3) The third reason is that the place where you are staying has very low light for
the place where you are studying or you are doing your idle work has a very low
brightness white which also affects your eye and also makes your eyesight more
weak .
4) The fourth reason is disease which affects your eyesight .During the time of disease
many of your nutritional values get dropped, That is you suffer from deficiency of vitamins minerals
and other essential items for which your Eyes require and hence due to its deficiency
your Eyesight gets weakened.
5)The fifth reason is due to your goggles . Most of you wear your goggles because of some
type of problem that is temporary in your eye but you wear for a long time due to which your
Eye cannot get so much vitamin D from the sun, Which makes your eyesight get weakened .
Ways to increase your Eyesight :-
1)The first step which you can follow in daily life is try to drink most of the water in a
copper container . The copper container plays an important role in making your eyesight
more efficient when you drink the water from this container.
To do this step you have to keep one container of water at night and During the morning
time try to drink at least two glasses of water from the container and important from in
charging your Eye Power like a charger .You will definitely observe some results after
2 to 3 weeks by using this method .
2) The second step which you can follow is to try to increase the consumption of
red dry Chilli , Cashew nut , Black pepper , sugar and soap .
This will definitely work in an efficient way and will also help in increasing mind power.
3)The third step which you can follow is - When you use excessive smartphones or any
electronic gadget then after every 30-40 minutes try to blink your eye for at least
10 seconds continuously .
By the help of blink after some interval your eye will get some rest from the
rays coming out from the screen and also your eye sheds will be stretched .
4) The fourth step or way which you can follow is : try to do some Yoga like
“Bhramari” which will work more efficiently than any other steps or ways .
In this Bhramari , You Have to make a vibration in front of your mouth by your
fingers In the morning time which will create an Etching effect in front of your
Eyes and hence your eyes will get relaxed .
5) The fifth tip which I must give you is that : Try to Maintain the Use of
electronic gadgets or Use Screen protecting goggles .
Try to reduce the use of doctor prescribed goggles because if you will totally
depend on it then your eyesight will get decreased day by day .
6) The sixth tip is try to sleep better and sleep more than you use your
smartphone or any Electronic Gadget because if you will not give rest to
your camera then your pixels will get weakened easily .
So these were some tips Simple ways to Increase Eyesight for adult | reason
for Bad Eye. If you like my blog then please try to share as much as you can to support me
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