Benefits Of Cardamom In Your Health. 

Benefits of cardamom in your health
                                        Benefits Of Cardamom In Your Health.

Hello Friends , In this blog I will tell you some Benefits of eating cardamom and
 drinking hot water at night
. Which Will help in making your health good and Strong . 
Many of you Know that cardamom is only used in cooking , As an flavoring  agent 
 or a mouth freshener But also most of you don't know the value of cardamom exactly
 or correctly . 

 Friends Cardamom 
is a natural medicine which has been used for thousands of years. It is efficient ,
and plays an important role in contributing towards your health .

How to Use It As Medicine :-

Use cardamom as a medicine. You just have to put some cardamom (approx 1 or 2)in hot water 
during night time and you have to drink it. This will play an important role. You have 
to just drink it every night before sleeping.

Benefits of eating cardamom :-

1)The First  benefit which we will get after eating cardamom  in one is that it will 
stop the constipation problem.The person who is suffering from constipation will get relief
 if he or she drinks cardamom with hot water during the night time before sleeping.

2)The second problem which most of the people feel is the pimples which are coming out
 from their face and making their face look bad  so it will also be removed by the help 
of this cardamom. It will work in an efficient manner just drink it before sleeping time
 at night and you will just see the results within 2 to 3 weeks.

3)Many of you face the problem of hair fall which can lead to a serious problem
 in your look in making you as an aged . Many of you are also facing problems in lots 
of the tricks and tips which you get on the internet. This  cardamom with hot water 
also helps in making your hair stronger and helps in reducing the hair fall. 

4) Most of you have the problem of obesity which makes you look bad and lazy .
 So this cardamom also helps in making your fats soft so that It can be melted down 
easily. Just drink hot water with cardamom before sleeping at night and during the 
morning after at least 30 minutes of exercise you will see the results in 2 to 3 weeks.

5)The fifth is that Cardamom with hot water also helps in gaining your stamina 
in making your stamina and energy at a higher level so that you can get a maximum
 amount of energy to work in your daily life. 

6)During this busy life many of you suffer the difficulties in walking muscular activities
 or any activities which includes muscles and bones, in this busy life most of you has 
problems in your bones which can lead to a severe problem in your health drinking 
hot water with cardamom and important role in making your bone stronger for daily 

7) Due to the eating of heavy and rich food many of you face problems like pain in stomach 
indigestion or any stomach problems in your daily life which can lead to a sewer problem .
 Therefore cardamom with hot water also helps in this case in making your digestion process
 easier and making your digestive organs stronger .

8)Lack of sleep due to heavy use of gadgets like mobile television for
 computers can be faced by many of the peoples which leads to mental health effects, 
disadvantages and other psychological problems . Having Cardamom With hot water also 
helps in making your sleep more comfortable as well as more easier .

9)Friends this cardamom with hot water has a unique use like it 
also helps in making your flow of blood more efficient ,which can 
lead to health advantage and other health benefits Therefore having 
cardamom with hot water also helps in making your flow of blood more

These were some of the benefits of having cardamom with hot water.

Precautions before having cardamom with hot water :-

So now I will talk about what are the precautions before having cardamom with hot
 water or what are the things that you should keep in mind before having cardamom
 with hot water.

#Friends if you're having cardamom with hot water then you have to at least drink one
 bottle of water per day because the use of the effect of Cardamom will only be able
 to work when you will drink maximum water per day.

#If you want that this cardamom and hot water to be in have to work in a very efficient
 way then you have to avoid drinking tea as well as coffee in your daily life.

#You also have to minimise the consumption of burgers Pizza french fries and other fast
 food which is fried.

#Minimise the consumption of alcohol in your daily life to make the use of 
cardamom more efficient .
#Try to do at least 30 minutes of exercise for 2 to 3 weeks so that the use of 
Cardamom with hot water can be efficient. 

So these were some tips regarding  Benefits of eating cardamom and
 drinking hot water at night .Hope you all like this and if you want to
 support me then share as much as possible for more content . 
Thank You .

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