Remove Yellowish From Teeth In Easy steps |Natural Remedies for teeth cavity pain . 

How To Prevent Teeth Yellowness in Easy steps at home | How to control teeth cavity pain
How To Prevent Teeth Yellowness in Easy steps at home | How to control teeth cavity pain 

In today's Blog, I will cover the topic about How To Prevent Teeth Yellowness in Easy steps at home .How to control teeth cavity pain. It is said that 2.3 billion people globally do not care about their teeth and hence their teeth become infectious and their teeth becomes useless most of the people state are covered with yellowish colour  which make them look Untidy And sometimes may  lead to look funny, so In today's blog .I will tell you how to remove the yellowness of your teeth to make it brighter whiter and stronger. 

These remedies will be very efficient and will work in a very nice way and will make your take clean and Neat.

 The things which I am going to tell you will be fully natural and will not contain any types of medicine which can harm your take or can cause any infection near death but overuse of these remedies can cause some of the problems so just use it as it is described.

Prevent Teeth Yellowness :  

1) The first remedy of the problem which I am going to tell you is caused by many of the people in their day to day life , that teeth become yellow in colour which makes them look dirty or their teeth get covered with a yellow colour surface which also can lead to infection in the teeth.

 So to cure it there are many steps but today I will tell you the simplest way which can make your tape look clean and meet it and the products which have been involved in this will be easily available in grocery shops.

The first step which I am going to tell you is quite efficient and will work in a good manner.answer of How to remove Yellowness teeth in Easy steps at home | How to control teeth cavity pain.

The things which will be required in making the solution are charcoal, brush, salt, these are the things which will be required  . The first process is to mix the charcoal with salt and just make a fine particles of charcoal after making the fine particles of  charcoal it will look like a black powder after that put the Powder into the brush and apply some amount of oil approximately of 2 or 3 drops and then it is ready. 

Just apply it in your teeth for two or three minutes and keep it for 5 minutes after that wash your teeth . You just apply this method for approximately 2 to 3 weeks and then the result will be shown , it is very efficient and will work in a good manner. I have tried face for 1 month and the result was quite good.

The second step for just removing the yellow colour of your teeth is also very efficient  and the results will be shown in a quick interval of time.  But the thing is you have to apply this in a very scheduled time, overuse may lead to damage to your teeth. The things required for making this solution is : baking soda of one Pinch , lemon extract approximately 5 to 6 drops, any toothpaste and  toothbrush. 

                                              For making it you have to first make the lemon extract with the toothpaste and then you have to mix The Pinch of baking soda into the paste after that apply it in your toothbrush and then put it in your mouth and just apply it in your teeth for approximately 2 to 3 minutes.

 Do not keep it more than five minutes otherwise wrong effects may also be seen because it contains baking soda. You have to apply this three times a week, do not over use it. The main thing which you will notice in this solution is that this will give you a quick result if you apply it for approximately two to three weeks then you will see your teeth glowing faster and getting whitened faster.

How to control teeth cavity pain ?

Second problem which we are going to discuss is the main and is the important problem which many of the people face in their day to day life  : The problem is of germs  Cavity many of the people in the country get cavity due to inappropriate brushing due to which the food items which gets stays in their teeth not digested by the Germs and hence the waste products Stays and becomes cavity hole which leads to painful event.

So for preventing it can apply long which is easily available in the market into the amount of mustard oil and A Pinch of salt after mixing it applied in the area of the text which is covered by germs and has a cavity and keep the particular long for approximately 2 to 3 days . Whenever it starts paining apply it  and after that you will feel quite good enough but do not depend on them only you also have to prescribe a doctor or have to do dentist checkup otherwise without curing it let it and we suffer from a Serious pain and damage . How to remove Yellowness teeth in Easy steps at home | How to control teeth cavity pain