Yoga To Increase Height Easily In a Week After  18.

Hello guys ! In this blog I will tell you about Increase Height after 18 in a Week |Yoga to Increase Height Easily. properly I will tell you the steps which you can follow at your home easily to

increase your height even if you are above 18 years.

Most of the people who are above 18 years of age or are between 18 to 25 years of age think that their height is not increasing so they should

Quit gym but it is totally wrong. Many of the people just advise you to stop going gym because gym

stop the growth of your height .

Yes it is right but sometimes in some cases or in some exercise this does not happens .

As many of the exercises which are done in gym do not affect your height like example the

exercise which  do not includes  weightlifting.

 It depends on the exercise which  you are doing in your Gym. You can either hire a professional gym trainer to just do some exercise which does not include self weight lifting or can increase your height. 

 So in this blog specially I will tell you the ways which you can increase your

height without going to the gym  easily at your home with some easy Yoga steps. 


Friends most of you think that why your height is not increasing, So the first reason behind this is just

because of your parents, yes many of the inheritance of short height be seen in you by your parents 

that if your parents are short heighted then there will be a chance of being short heighted trait in you . So in that case you will not be able to increase your height in any ways this is an genital problem.

 But if you do not have any special case about your inheritance then there is a high chance that

you are not following some of the healthy diets or not drinking water much as per your need , Or you

have an environmental reason like example you are staying in the area which contain high pollution 

which can be one of the reasons . 

 Many of you think that height will increase in the last under 18 years and will not increase after

that but it is wrong, many of the  people's height get increased also after 20 years.

                                                                                                                 so there is no problem

about this.By doing lots of exercise, lots of yoga poses and working out you can also increase your

height before 25 years of age which is really good. 

Ways to Increase Your Height :-


 So friends, your height is mostly increased by the help of your brain’s pituitary gland which controls the human growth hormones which plays an important role in increasing your height.How to increase your human growth hormone mainly yoga poses plays an important role in upgrading as well as increasing your human growth hormone. 

So to  increase your height,I will tell you the poses of yoga which you will apply.

Tadasana :-


Increase Height after 18 in a Week |Yoga to Increase Height Easily.

First yoga pose which I am going to tell you is known as Tadasana . It will play an important role and is a very efficient yoga pose to increase your height.

 In this Tadasana yoga you have to stretch your hands as well as legs in the last stage for approximately 20 to 15

minutes a day specially in the morning it will play an important role in increasing your height.

Tadasana Yoga pose plays an important role in health also as well as help in stretching your chest

which can increase your height .


Halasana :-

Increase Height after 18 in a Week |Yoga to Increase Height Easily.
 Increase Height after 18 in a Week |Yoga to Increase Height Easily.

Increase Height after 18 in a Week |Yoga to Increase Height Easily.

The second yoga pose which I am going to tell you is known as Halasana and it is also very efficient and plays an important role in increasing your height

 In this Halasana yoga pose you just have to stay in the position of sleeping and have to raise

your feet And then you have to just stretch your thigh so that the toe can touch your head part

as per in the given picture.

 The mean advantage in this yoga pose is that it will increase your thigh height and hence your

height will be increased and it also will help in your health .

 You just have to try this at home  for approximately for 15 to 20 minutes daily.

Bhujangasana :-

Increase Height after 18 in a Week |Yoga to Increase Height Easily.

The 3rd yoga pose which I am going to tell you is known as Bhujangasana this is also very efficient yoga pose in increasing your height.

In this Bhujangasana you just have to to be in a sleeping position from upside down in your body and you have to

stretch your belly by the help of your  hands which will push you and your head in upwards .What

you are Thai has to be in contact with the surface as per given in the image . 

This yogasan also helps in increasing your spinal chord strength and also helps in increasing your height in a

very efficient way. 


Increase Height after 18 in a Week |Yoga to Increase Height Easily.

The fourth and the last Yogasan pose is sarvangasana which will play an important role in increasing your height.

 In this yoga pose you have to just stand by the help of of your head and your hands have

to be supported by your head . Your hands have to be touched by the belly and have to be

upside down as per given in the image .

 The main advantage of this yoga sun is that it will help in increase your height and will

also help in making you tension free. Increase Height after 18 in a Week |Yoga to Increase Height Easily.

So these where some of the yogasana tips which I have shared amongst you which my gym trainer

advice to hope you all like my blog please share it as much as you can to support me and to support

my blog.