Healthy warm water Drink benefits in your Exercise | Tips for doing exercise .
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In this blog I will tell you Benefits of hot water in your exercise in making more Efficient., I know that most of you during this lockdown period became unfit and is not at all healthy because due to the long interval of lockdown so we will just look some fitness tips , so to make you healthy and fit.
A)The first step to share among you all guys is that you must start at least an exercise of half
an hour that is 30 minutes which will make you ready to just melt down your fats , this will play
an important role just you have to do only 30 minute of exercise .
B)The second step which will need Is a suitable drink which will act as a starter of your
exercise which will just prepare your fat ready to be melted down or to be decreased.
To make a Starter drink you can make lots of drink as shown in the YouTube or you can
follow my steps as follows :-
1)The first drink which I prefer is the drink of lemon , honey and hot water it will play an
important role as it has lemon and honey it will act as an fat melting material which will
help in preparing your fat to be melted down .Benefits of hot water in your exercise in making more Efficient.
To prepare this you just take some half cutted lemon, honey of two or three spoons
hot water of one glass just try to mix them all and drink it before your exercise this is an very efficient way to make the drink and will help a lot in your exercise
2)If you do not like my first Idea then the second one is also very efficient and will play a
great contribution to meltdown your fat .You just need 2 spoons of jeera hot water.
The first step which you have to do is that keep the Jeera in the water overnight after and
in the morning you just take out the jeera and put in the hot water , after putting it in hot water. just stare it and drink it . The leftover Jeera which you had in your glass just Chew it and keep it in
your mouth for 5-10 minutes and then spit it .
Guys this will play an important role just believe it , I
have tried it for two months and I have also seen the
Result yet.
3)Another Alternative drink which Am going to tell you is the drink of beetroot and fruits,
if you guys have beetroot and some fruits like apples, oranges extra then mix them all by the
help of mixer grinder and Then by the help of a filter cloth just filter the leftover waste and then
have it in morning
It will also play an important role as it contains beetroot so therefore
an efficient work will be seen by beetroot juice.
4) The other alternative which I am going to tell you about is the drink of lemon salt and hot water.
To make this you will need these items = lemon,pinches of salt ,hot glass of water.
It is very easy to me just put 15 to 10 drops of
lemon extract in the hot water and some pictures of salt and then just makes it well .The thing which
will make this efficient is the lemon and salt as we know this lemon and salt are an enemy of fat so
it will just help in in preparing your fat ready to be melted down .
If you all guys wanted a drink which do not contain Lemon or any vegetable then you can try
it with honey just simply you need Honey , hot water and some pinches of salt and just makes them all and drink it it will also replace the
presence of lemon but also will act like in lemon and also will work efficient .Benefits of hot water in your exercise in making more Efficient.
Note the tips of the things which I have told you in this blog will only be applicable when you do an
exercise of approximately 30 minutes , Physical activity is very compulsory in your health or building
your health properly without a physical activity no food or other items can cure your health are your and
fitness . Most of the people advice to quit fast food or to stop eating outside foods but this is wrong.
You all have to regulate the consumption of Fast Food,you do not have to stop eating them you just
have to regulate the habit of eating fast food . It is preferred you to do exercise during the morning
time because during the morning time your digestion system Becomes ready to do exercise or to
prepare your fat to be melted down by doing exercise Therefore morning time should be scheduled
for doing exercise.
This was all for today , if you like my blog please share it With your friends , because you are the only
one who can help us and the only one who can support us for better content therefore feel free to
share it a lot as you can .Benefits of hot water in your exercise in making more Efficient.